WeAllCount (PIT)

WeAllCount (PIT)

The purpose of #WeAllCount is to collect data on the needs of people experiencing homelessness in our community. This count also provides an excellent opportunity to increase awareness of homelessness and to spark action.

2024 #WeAllCount

January 25, 2024

Times: 4:00 am-8:00 am (Morning shifts)

            6:30 pm-9:00 pm (Safe Parking shifts)

Note: Some additional volunteer sites may have start and end times that slightly differ from the times listed above. When registering for a particular volunteer site, please review the volunteer hours listed in the volunteer portal and in your volunteer confirmation email. If you have any questions regarding your site, please email us at pitc@rtfhsd.org.

The #WeAllCount Point-in-Time Count (PITC) is a federally mandated requirement designated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to be conducted every two years. San Diego has historically chosen to conduct a homeless count on an annual basis. By doing so, we can continue to strive to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring.

As we continue to expand services provided in the San Diego Region, we will continue to increase the need for additional volunteer sites for our Annual #WeAllCount. For 2024, volunteers will have the opportunity to support the CoC by volunteering at 1 of 42 sites across the San Diego Region via our Volunteer Portal. Note: Collaborating with partners is essential for a successful count. 2 additional partnership sites will support the 2024 #WeAllCount and will leverage volunteers outside the volunteer portal.

The following map demonstrates the San Diego Continuum of Care jurisdiction for the 2024 #WeAllCount.

#WeAllCount will take place on January 25, 2024.

Each year to conduct the #WeAllCount it takes:

  • 1,500 volunteers to survey those experiencing homelessness across the San Diego Region
  • 6 months to prepare, recruit, and strategically plan to effectively collect data and train volunteers
  • 3+ months to gather and analyze shelter data via HMIS and with outside shelter providers in San Diego
  • Partnering with 6 Youth Homeless Service Providers to conduct the Youth Count across San Diego
  • Partnering with the San Diego County Sheriff’s department to collect data on those incarcerated the night of the count and were experiencing homelessness
  • Leveraging volunteer support from 18 city jurisdictions within San Diego County
  • Post #WeAllCount: 3+ months to clean and analyze data for federal and local reporting purposes

It truly takes a village. RTFH wants to thank you for you interest in learning more about our Annual #WeAllCount and we hope you take this time to consider volunteering for such an important event.

For any further inquiries regarding San Diego’s We All Count (PITC) please email PITC@rtfhsd.org.

How Can You Help?

The #WeAllCount is truly a regional effort with a number of roles that must be filled in order to successfully conduct and complete this required activity.

How to Volunteer

On Nov 6, 2023, the RTFH launched our PITC Volunteer Portal, which will officially close 3 days prior to January 25, 2024 (PITC) or until we have reached full capacity.

Engaged Counters

Engaged counters will conduct surveys of individuals and/or families experiencing unsheltered homelessness on the day of the count. Engage counters will be assigned at least one census tract area to cover by foot or by car depending on the geographic area and/or size of the tract. Volunteers will be deployed in teams led by a professional outreach worker. Note: Depending on the amount of Outreach workers that may be available at a given site, experienced volunteers may also lead teams. Each site will also be supported by at least one site coordinator.

If at any time you know you are no longer available to volunteer or are feeling unwell, please notify us at pitc@rtfhsd.org. A few days before the start of the count you will also receive additional information from your assigned site coordinator.

Inform and Share

Spreading the word about the WeAllCount is critical, as it is how we find volunteers to help conduct the count as well as alert homeless individuals to the event as well. Our flyer can be shared on social media:

You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

See the flyer for the 2024 WeAllCount by clicking here


The PITC is an unfunded federal mandate and requires a significant amount of resources to complete. If you are unable to physically participate in one of the roles above, or would like to help in addition to volunteering, please consider making a donation to support this important regional effort. To make a donation, please click here.

2024 #WeAllCount Volunteer Training

If you are a registered volunteer who will be attending the #WeAllCount on January 25, 2024, please make sure to watch the following training video prior to the #WeAllCount.

The 2024 #WeAllCount training video will cover the following topics:

  1. What is the current state of homelessness in San Diego
  2. Overview of San Diego’s 2023 We All Count
  3. Day of logistics for performing an “Engaged Count”
  4. How to conduct an engaged survey via the Counting Us App.

Training Resources

Click here for instructions on how to download and access the Counting US Application.

#WeAllCount Survey Tool

For the 2024 #WeAllCount (PITC) the San Diego City and County Continuum of Care will utilize the Counting Us Mobile App. The Counting Us mobile app was developed by Simtech Solutions to automate the collection of data for the annual homeless census.  The app is available from both Google Play and the Apple App Store.

Click here for instructions on how to download and access the Counting US Application.